Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cookies, cookies, and more cookies

Well after 2 days of measuring, mixing, baking, and cleaning I now have 200+ cookies sitting in my freezer. The funny part? I still have three batches in the fridge and four other recipes still to make up. This doesn't even include the bread!!! Gotta tell ya'......... I am beat.

I am very thankful to Tony who has kept the boys busy during this marathon of flour-flinging. David helped decorate some of the cookies & sampled several, as well. Joshua mainly drooled all over himself & demanded some time at the "mommy-tap" between recipes.

Tony works a mid-shift tomorrow, so no baking. However, with him here in the morning both Thursday & Friday I "should" be able to finish up. Next hurdle is the shopping for gifts.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Catching up

So the past few days have been "fun". We have been passing around a little bit of a cold, Joshua has officially cut his first 3 teeth (all at once), and we have been doing more holiday prep. Whenever David has been up to it we have done some art projects. Here is a sampling of what we have been up to:

The next two days will be cookie days...... so "regular" art will be on hold. However, cookie "art" will be plentiful.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Painting is fun.... but only if you're messy!

We did hand prints today. I am planning another project later that needs handprints so this was our "practice" session. I gave David two trays of paint & some paper. All I have to say is thank goodness for washable paints & old play clothes!! I was scrubbing paint off the table, chair, and Joshua's head. Then David decided he was done so he wiped his hand off on his shirt and pants.

Enjoy the pics!

Busy Sunday

Well..... we had a busy day yesterday so I wasn't able to get this posted. David painted some new ornaments for the tree & had fun wearing my shirt while he did it. I am finding that in doing all the crafts I am remembering loads of fun projects we did as kids. It is like a little walk down memory lane.

Here is the little Rembrandt in action:

And of course we need a candid or two:

Then he was all worn out after our busy morning. This is how he watched Rudolph:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sugar Break!

Well, since it was snowing today we opted to bake cookies for our holiday project. Kept things REALLY simple..... Chocolate Chip Cookies. I made up the batter while he napped but let him help me stir in the chocolate chips. He enjoyed tasting the chips as much as the helping. Then I scooped the cookies onto the baking sheets & let him decorate them with colored sugar. He had a blast with that part. Then after they were baked he enjoyed the fruits of his labors by having a cookie & a cup of milk. Not a bad way to spend a snowy afternoon.

Here is the little artist in action (By the way..... please ignore my messy counters):

Here is his later work:

Then the reward!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fun with glue

So we ran some errands with the boys today. This resulted in a need for an easy art project this afternoon. We let David decorate one of those little $2 stockings with stickers & puff balls. He had a blast.


We ended up taking the kids pre-Christmas shopping. This was a chance for us to see what things made them light up. Nice to still be in the age bracket where no matter what we get them (or in what quantity) they will be thrilled. It is our hope to always have it be this way.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fun with stickers

Today's holiday art was to decorate Christmas trees. I pre-made 4 trees out of paper & let David have total control over the foam stickers to decorate. He lost steam after only 2..... but that just means I have some back-up for a future day. He loves using those stickers & they were worth every penny. Joshua made sure to check out all the action to make sure we stayed on task.

The trees:

The sleepy artist:

The observer:

Daddy will be home tomorrow so maybe we will do a family project!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 2 of Christmas Countdown

Today's theme was Santa in all his puffy-cotton glory. We worked on him together (the whole gluing thing can be difficult at times) but David did most of it. Then it was on to free-painting with Daddy. David actually was begging to start "art" today. Maybe this is a better idea than I first had hoped!

Our project:

The painting buddies:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

25 Days of Christmas!!!

Okay, so I am an admitted Christmas lover. I decorate every room in the house & the tree is up before Thanksgiving. (I would put it up as early as the day after Halloween..... but Tony wouldn't agree!) My mania is now extending to my art supply box.

Now that David is getting into art projects, it is my goal to have a new craft for him every day leading up to Christmas. They may not all be huge ones..... but they will all be holiday-themed. I am hoping to build up excitement for the big event and also have a way to distract him every single day!

Today's theme was snowmen. I pre-made all the parts for a Frosty and gathered extra supplies for a free-form project. David was allowed to use the glue (always a hit with him) and we worked together to make the first project. Then I turned over the extra supplies & the glue to let him have fun.

Here are our results:


Stay tuned for more toddler art all month long!