Friday, September 25, 2009

Baby steps

No, not those kind! We are making baby steps at getting Joshua to actually sleep through the night.

He sleeps in his crib from his final nursing (8pm) until about midnight. Then we move him to the pack-n-play in the living room when he wakes up screaming. I usually give him 5 minutes of screaming in the nursery before we go get him. Once he is moved we don't say a word just pat his butt a few times & then walk away. He then gets to cry himself out. The first night it took an hour for him to get there. Then it gradually got less. Now it takes about 20 minutes. I also am refusing to feed him if he wakes up before 3:30am.

Last night he woke up at 1am wet; but, a dry diaper was all he needed to go back to sleep. He stayed that way until Daddy left for work at 5:15am. I was thrilled!!!

Now if we can just get him to take a morning nap.........

Monday, September 21, 2009


Both boys went to the pedi today. I like getting both visits knocked out in one day. Sure makes life easier scheduling-wise!

David has grown like a weed and was such a big boy. He is now 36" tall and 27.8 pounds. He got two vaccines today & a finger stick for lead & anemia screenings. That kid shocked both Daddy & I by not even starting to cry. He let the doctor examine him without a fuss, too. Such a big boy! He got a brave patient ribbon, a cool band-aid, and picked out 2 stickers on the way out.

Joshua weighed in at 17 pounds and is 28.5" long now. He has fallen in weight gain to the 5% from the 15% . His height has also dropped from 80% to 50%. The doctor was not concerned today as Joshua has only recently started solids & he appears otherwise healthy. We go back in 3 months to see if he picks up some speed. This little guy got three vaccines today and seems fine now. He cried a little....but as soon as we were out of the exam room the tears dried up & out came the smiles. Such a flirt.

Still planning to do a lot of research on this H1N1 vaccine. I know it is not FDA approved for kids yet. Our pedi is taking a "wait-and-see" approach as well. They are not recommending it until they get further info. That was good to hear. Now I don't feel like I am just some paranoid mom. Guess we will all just have to take it slowly & hope for the best.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Busy little fall bees

The boys have been keeping me hopping. David is just starting to potty train. For now he is a little unsure of the potty seat on the toilet but will sit on it on the floor. He climbed up onto it while it was on the potty once by himself, though.... so we are just going slow. Joshua is into everything these days now that he is a full fledged crawler/cruiser. He seems to think that he can walk but never understands why the floor hits him in the face everytime he tries to follow David during playtime. I'm sure he will get it soon enough.

Pediatrician appointments are coming up for both boys so I will get to see how they are doing. Now that Joshua is happily eating anything we put in front of him I am a lot less worried about this visit. This kid loves table food. He will only accept "baby" food if we mix in a little of what we are having for dinner, too. Not an issue....saves money in the long run & that whole switching to "real" solids thing David had to do.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Holy Grail

Well.....I bow to other mommies & their worlds of advice b/c Joshua is EATING!!!!!! It has been a full week since David's birthday of at leat 1 good meal & a not-too-shabby attempt at a 2nd everyday. He loves his veggies more than fruits and loves the savory bits he "steals" off our forks. The moment of triumph actually came from a comment made by "flip-flop mama" and the suggesstion of using a sippy of ice water. Whether it is the novelty of getting to drink from a big-boy cup or whether his gums are killing him from teething doesn't seem clear. However, he happily eats a full serving of food at dinner & even can be coaxed to try breakfast. Now maybe we will start getting better sleep & perhaps even a regular nap!!!

Oh, and now the two boys are bathing together. Loads of fun for them to splash the heck out of mommy. Bedtime routine goes sooooo much faster with only "one" bath. Plus the pics are too funny. So here are my men gettin' clean:
(I just can't ever get enough of cute bath pictures!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

My "baby" turned 2....

It was a long week of cleaning & prep work. I did a little at a time but by Sunday I was ready. David turned 2 on Sunday and we had all the family over for a party. He had a blast watching his 2 cousins & enjoyed his gifts. He was thrilled with chocolate birthday cake & fell asleep like a champ.

I am feeling a bit nostalgic....but so happy that he is growing up healthy & happy. Now for some indulgence:

The journey to turning 2:

and 2nd birthday: